


by Nora


“Up to 80% OF HUMAN WORLD OPERATION HAS BEEN 7 MILLION YEARS (in your time) remotely controlled BY COMPUTER – DATA-SYSTEM preprogrammed FEW YEARS IN ADVANCE in the underground of the Dark worlds by the PSEUDO-CREATORS, saurians – reptiles and other negative entities – THE CONTROL PYRAMID.

Another 10% is PROGRAMMED INDIVIDUALLY ON-THE-FLY – OPERATIVELY – CIRCA 3-5 DAYS IN ADVANCE again from the Dark worlds. Human SPIRIT and SOUL is for this purpose IMPRISONED IN CAPSULES and thus it can only minimally – circa 5% be involved in controlling of the PHYSICAL BODY. Fore more on this topic, see messages 1761, 1925, pictures 793, 811, 1240, 1243 and books of THE NEW REVELATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Only circa 10% is used by Earth men by their positive choices for receiving in their Spiritual heart THE TRUE INFORMATION from THE PRIME CREATOR OF ALL AND EVERYTHING and COSMIC PEOPLE – ANGELS.

This 90% PUPPET-SCENE is PERMITTED by The Prime Creator of all and everything for the purpose of giving to all beings in the Creation a LEARNING WHAT NOT TO CHOOSE and an answer to the question WHAT LIFE WOULD BE LIKE WITH DENIED OR PERVERTED SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES – LAWS OF LOVE – OF THE PRIME CREATOR OF ALL AND EVERYTHING. This answer serves them in their development.

EVERY human who chooses LIBERATION from the puppet-trap of the negative control state has ALWAYS an opportunity to master in his SPIRITUAL PATH (messages 819 – 847, pictures 688, 692) a number of SPIRITUAL TESTS by WORK OF LIGHT – WORK ON ONESELF AND HELP TO FELLOW PEOPLE, to carry out TRANSFORMATION OF HIS BODIES and to return back HOME to the TRUE CREATION where he ORIGINALLY comes from and where HIS SPIRITUAL FAMILY is.

THIS STATE is also a reason why this pseudo-mankind is virtually COMPLETELY ISOLATED FROM THE ENTIRE TRUE CREATION – i.e., countless number of POSITIVE CIVILIZATIONS and, in particular, 5 million positive civilizations in this Galaxy – The Cosmic Federation of planets. Pseudo-life of the negative state is absolutely INCOMPATIBLE with the True life in the positive state of the Creation. Isolation and separation of earthly mankind is intentionally maintained by pseudo-creators so as not to disrupt A COMFORTABLE CONTROL by disclosing this fact and, at the same time, to KEEP in people’s minds AN ILLUSION OF THEIR EXCLUSIVENESS AND SELF-EVOLUTION.

10% of True information and 10 % of individual operative control IS NOT SUITABLE for pseudo-creators in view of their further plans with this mankind. The plan of control is a build-up of PLANETARY CHIP-BASED CONTROL SYSTEM with aid of people themselves, aimed at CHIPPING OF EVERY THING, ANIMAL AND HUMAN – message 1622. In conjunction with satellite system, they want to REDUCE THE DEGREE OF TRUE INFORMATION FROM TODAY’S 10% DOWN TO A MINIMUM AND ALSO TO REDUCE THE DEGREE OF INDIVIDUAL – OPERATIVE CONTROL FROM 10% DOWN UNDER 5%. After that, pseudo-creators want to come on Earth welcomed by puppet-people.


Then I WILL COME FOR THE SECOND TIME on planet Earth and WILL ONCE FOREVER ELIMINATE THIS WEIRD PUPPET-SCENE OF ALL DARK WORLDS OF THE ZONE OF DISPLACEMENT, GIVE ALL ITS ACTORS THE TRUE FILM OF REALITY WHERE THESE POOR FELLOWS EXISTED, AND GIVE THEM AN OPPORTUNITY OF CHOICE OF CONVERSION TO THE POSITIVE STATE. THE SALVATION proceeds already HERE and NOW on planet Earth, which is observed by all in the True Creation and the zone of displacement, thanks to WORKERS OF LIGHT who give all actors of the negative state THE GRAINS OF TRUTH thanks to which these actors will later BE ABLE TO make the right choice and undergo the conversion to the positive state, and thus SURVIVE.

He/she who has ears to hear, eyes to see and who senses via the spiritual heart in the middle of his/her chest, let him/her hear and see the information revealed in this message.



„The terrestrials are coming more and more to a point, when all the coarse­vibrational places on this planet Earth will be CLEARED, and relieved also of the INFLICTORS themselves  the negative people, who thus live the negative state, since they had chosen many corresponding alternatives in this life, and in the past lives as well.

The PLANET EARTH cannot already tolerate any more this increasing burdensomeness of coarse vibrations, and wants to live by itself, clean, according to the spiritual level it reached. Therefore, as we, the universe people of Powers of Light, have already reported to terrestrials (for example, in the 109. report, published in the Ist volume of the series „Talks with instructions from my cosmic friends“), the coarse­vibrational places will be flooded by the sea, because these parts of mainland with that pollution will SUBSIDE. Melting glaciers will cause rise in sea level. That ascending will be during the process insignificant in comparison with such HUNDREDS­OF­METERS DOWNWARD subsidence of mainland, which is spiritually related to the SUBSIDENCE of all the mentioned negative people, who had chosen corresponding alternatives, into the dark zones of expulsion (the sea). Concurrently it means, that their existences will be shifted to commensurable dark worlds, where they shall work as SLAVES, JUST FOR THE AIR, FOOD AND EVERYDAY CLOTHES, since these pseudosocieties are located in the underground, on the desolate planets with zones of expulsion. These unfortunate persons thus get under the baton of pseudocreators more opportunities of finding to their cost of pseudoliving in the negative state. There again, like here on the planet earth, they will get many chances to TURN for the better, back to the positive state, again on the basis of many choices, which can be made any time.

The darker worlds, where these poor people find themselves, the more difficult it would be for them to make these choices, because on all lower levels of darkness a being is adequately more BURDENED BY THE CONSEQUENCES AND OUTCOMES OF PREVIOUS PERSONAL DECISIONS AND ACTS. It also means, that the spiritual system of such entity gets more and more blocked, and in such case are also limited possibilities for transmission of the right information through the inner way from us, the Universe people of the Right Creation. However, that entity shall also in future RECEIVE  ALWAYS  from us, the Universe people of Powers of Light, the right information regarding the optimal choices, necessary for the return back, into the Right Creation, from the dark worlds of zone of expulsion.

Therefore we, the Universe people, RECOMMEND TO YOU ALREADY HERE, ON THE PLANET EARTH, to ATTEND and APPRECIATE THE POSITIVE AFFECTIONATE APPROACHES, which at times you can see around. These are adopted by individuals, who make thousands of choices how to live the RIGHT LIFE in the Right worlds of the zone of positioning  in HEAVEN of our beloved primary Creator of everything and everybody, who that all thus creates; for Him we work with love. He gives the right life to anybody who cares about that. Such beings, who already sufficiently experienced hundreds and thousands of lives in the dark worlds, when they either fulfilled a light mission or on contrary they subsided to a lower level, are able to appreciate the right values of the right live in their native CELESTIAL WORLDS, since they already see and FOUND TO THEIR COST the millions of CONTRASTS, related to various types of live in the dark worlds. When many of you come back again, we all shall rejoice and celebrate your coming Home, and simultaneously there shall occur a distinct spiritual shift everywhere in the Creation. This was transmitted with love in heart to all of you, dear people, by Ashtar Sheran, the commander of Grand cosmic squadron.“

„And now I, the cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades Ptaah, join in the conversation. Yes, this important WATERSHED IN YOUR HISTORY is quickly forthcoming and we are looking forward very much to the ASCEND  when some of you will CHANGE VIBRATIONS, as the individuals, who were continually choosing the POSITIVE LIFE in the course of many spiritual tests, were held up as an example for their fellowmen, PURGED themselves from their previous sediments burdening them already in their past lives, and also in part of this life, so that they return as much lighter beings back, to their RIGHT HOME. Yes, thus are these events very near, and it will be the climax of that significant phase – of the final stage of elimination negative state. (More in the book: NEW REVELATION OF LORD JESUS CHRIST.)

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